Originally Posted by A_saint
I personally knew countmeworthy in SD. I was saved in 1974 when I was 14 yrs old, at a love-feast with my school friend. I met with the church until 1988 when I moved to Orange County and tried to meet with a church there, only to hit a block wall when I was trying to reconcile the "New Move", LSM and the trying to meet with a clear conscience. I left all fellowship, communication with the LCrs in 1990.
Glad you posted here ! I didn't know you got saved in 1974. I got saved in 1975. I remember the first Love feast I went to. It was 6 days after I got saved. I didn't know what to expect but I LOVED it. The next day I moved in with the sisters living with L & C. And while it took me a sec to place you, I remember you soo very well. I'm glad I got saved in San Diego..and was in the church there.
Glad you turned your heart back to the LORD. So many of us have. He loves us sooo very much. We can't help but be drawn by His unchanging, unconditional LOVE for us.
Welcome !