Originally Posted by Raptor
Yes, amen. Another 2 very clear parables are in Matthew 25:1-30 concerning the 10 virgins meeting the Bridegroom and the slaves entrusted by the Master. Clearly they are believers, but the 5 foolish virgins miss the wedding feast, and the slothful slave is called evil and is punished. Yet the prudent virgins and the faithful slaves receive a reward.
He who has an ear let him hear .....
And the Lord tells the faithful servants,
"Well done good and faithful servant! You were faithful in a few things . . . enter into the joy of your Lord!" It's like in Hebrews chapter 11, the so-called "Hall of Faith." Those ones were just like us and blew it a lot, but what is recorded are the
few times they showed faith and trusted Him - that's what's important to God and that's what the Holy Spirit records there!