Originally Posted by stillseekingtruth
It's so difficult to know what's 'real.' I so often find myself repeating Pilate's question, "What is truth?" What is it to believe? Where does our belief come from? How much responsibility do we truly have as man? The way that the BB's twisted octrine and scripture to make it sound like they were the final authority it audacious. Yet, I'm trapped. I'm caught up in the sticky web of lies and I can't distinguish what is true anymore. Where are you, Oh my God? Are you even real? Yes. I know He's real. Yes. I see Him in His word and in creation, but who am I? Why did God choose me? What is my reponsiblity in this relationship?
Why not ask the Lord to help you put all of the confusion and doubting away for just five minutes while you start reading the book of Mark in a version with zero footnotes. Read until you sense an emotion or a question and then talk to the Lord about what you read and the emotion you felt or the question you have. For example, let's say that while you were reading you felt love and appreciation for the Lord for His care for someone, you could tell the Lord that you feel love for Him for being such a compassionate Savior and ask Him to help you show compassion to someone, or to help you have faith in Him to see the compassion He shows to you. If you feel like He has not been showing compassion to you recently you can tell Him that also. Or you could ask Him a why or help me to understand question. Of course there are times to come to the Bible for serious study. If this doesn't work for you that's fine, it could be just my personality.