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Old 08-06-2019, 05:25 AM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Guilt is eating at me like a starving rat

Originally Posted by stillseekingtruth View Post
I can’t take it. I’m consumed with guilt and fear. I’m convinced the sisters will find out that I’m speaking against the LSM and I’m going to Suffer.
We know who the starving rat is, and it’s NOT YOU!

This is spiritual warfare and you’re in a FIGHT!

I once heard a young brother who, like you, was consumed with fear and guilt, intentionally misquote the verse as follows:

“Perfect fear casts out all love.”

A misquote for sure, but somehow revealing of his condition. He was gripped in fear and God’s love seemed far away.

Someone is lying to you. Someone is tormenting you. Who? Who is the “father of lies”? Who is the tormentor? God loves you but God’s enemy hates you! God is not the author of fear. Pray specifically to your Heavenly Father to “bind the strong man”. Pray to the Lord Jesus that he would protect and cover you from the father of lies. This is spiritual warfare. Satan hates you for telling the truth, and he knows his days are short. He will throw everything in his evil book at you, to make your life miserable and doubt the One who will shortly send him to the lake of fire. Again, this is spiritual warfare.

If you believe a lie, you will live a lie. You can’t live beyond what you believe. Don’t believe the liar...the father of lies! We wrestle not against flesh and blood and “the sisters” but against principalities and powers in heavenly places. You have everything you need, the truth of God’s word, to fight back! This battle has already been won!

Stillseekingtruth, this is the truth!

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