Originally Posted by ChristMyLife
What happened to the "LR" movement is nothing new. Here is a quote from "The Pilgrim Church" by E. H. Broadbent:
"there us an ever-present danger in any spiritual movement that it may crystallize into a sect" p. 385.
When that happens, and you want to keep up with the Lord, you must move on. Forget the past and find God in the present.
Broadbent is right! This is man's propensity - to take a fresh experience of Christ and try to freeze it in time. Then they think they can just take it out, add water, and they'll have the fresh experience of God all over again! Silly us! We'll do about anything to keep from coming to Him that we might have life, including making a nice, tidy religion around what He's given us.
And I really enjoyed "The Pilgrim Church." It is a must read for any believer, in my humble opinion. That book really conveys the big picture of church history - through almost 2000 years - of how the Lord always has some who are just focused on Him and His word. And how they get persecuted by those who have formed a religion.