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Old 08-01-2019, 01:05 PM   #82
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Posts: 439
Default Re: 1,000 Years of Outer Darkness

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
Yes, you're correct. And I mean believers in the sense of having knowledge of the truth but are unregenerate. When the restrainer (the Holy Spirit) is removed these believers will eventually fall away from the true gospel and into deceitful doctrines taught by demons.(1 Tim 4:1).

It's scary to think that in the last days there will be individuals outwardly professing Christ and preforming miracles yet they won't be empowered by the Holy Spirit but by Satan.
The last days and now. Or maybe these are the last days. Because those you just described is really what I experienced in the LC. They came to me in the name of my Jesus, but practiced hiding the truth, and covering over of the sinful reality, deceiving me in all manner of things and ways. They even claimed shunning us was following the Holy Spirit. But the Lord did anything but shun me afterwards, and I have come to believe that they are being led by a false spirit, not the Spirit of Christ.
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