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Old 08-01-2019, 10:40 AM   #76
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Default Re: 1,000 Years of Outer Darkness

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
Yes, that's what scripture points to; a definitive point in time when the Holy Spirit will be removed and Satan is cast down to earth. At that point the antichrist will come on the public stage.
Many Christians today are convinced that they will be raptured PRIOR to the tribulation or time of testing called the "falling away." For obvious reasons, most ministers avoid this topic. Times are coming that will obviously shock us all.

To his credit, Lee did go thru the N.T. and taught on nearly every verse. Back in the early days, his teachings were more about the Bible and less about his pet projects.

Lee actually had a good number of accurate teachings on eschatology, which he passed on from Govett and Panton. They definitely were pioneers in the field. Lee did tackle many troublesome verses. That's not to say I endorse everything, and frankly there is much I don't know. The GLA LC's also had many learned brothers which were a tremendous benefit over the years.
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