Originally Posted by Raptor
They are in the climax of a full-on war. The Lord comes with His armies to fight, kill and destroy Antichrist and his armies. The Antichrist and False Prophet have already been judged, no trial.
I agree they have already been judged, but "no trial"? Are you accusing the Lord of unrighteousness?
Originally Posted by Raptor
There is no indication of any legal process, but what is going on is a war. It's kill or be killed. Many others are also killed, kings, people, and armies by Christ and His armies.
Baloney. There is plenty of indication of a legal process. 2 Corinthians 5:10 -- "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ" You said that the false prophet was a man, are you now annulling Paul's word in 2Corinthians?
Originally Posted by Raptor
No way, nope. There is no judicial process, no trial. The closest one is the JSoC, but that is for believers, and it we cannot throw the False Prophet into it.
Revelation says that the Lord is the righteous judge, and at Armageddon "in righteousness He judges and makes war".
What about Revelation 3:5, if your name is in the book of life doesn't that make you a believer? If your name is blotted out of the book of life what then? When does this take place?