Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
So two issues.
The eternal life that believers receive and the eternal life that the righteous sheep of the nations enter into. Is it the same?
Yes, in greek, both are the same word, yes. Eternal life enters into the believers, they are born of this life and they get the life, they have it.

The nations enter into it (donīt know what that is like...

Second, is the false prophet a man? If so why is he in the lake of fire before the Great White Throne judgement?
Yes, the False Prophet is a man and Antichrist is also a man. They are alive when the Lord comes back and seem to have accumulated enough points that they get to inaugurate the lake of fire and go directly into it. Also, looks like the cursed nations follow them soon after.
The Great White Throne judgement is for dead unbelievers.