Thread: What is true?
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Old 07-31-2019, 07:13 AM   #28
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: What is true?

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
Yes, I have a close relative there that I'm trying to help leave the LC and see that you can still have the church life without LSM and excess adoration of Lee and Nee. I'm interested in how your church is managing. Do you read books by other authors than Lee? Can you give me an example of some books you have read?

I think I just hijacked this thread, maybe UntoHim can move it to a new thread? Sorry!
Books I've read? Let's see, for morning meditation I get into these:
>Daily Light, Bagster/Lotz
>Daily Open Windows, T. Austin Sparks
>The Supplied Life, Bill Freeman

I'm currently reading Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoffer. Just finished What is Man, by Sparks. A number of us are reading both these books (Sparks & Bonhoffer seem to be popular among several here right now), and many use one or more of the above daily devotionals.

Authors being read among us varies widely, and there is no "suggested reading list." If someone gets touched by the Lord through a particular writing, then they will likely share it with others, or maybe be inspired to read some of it in one of the gatherings. Nee is brought up from time to time. Very rarely, something by WL might be mentioned (although it is usually from one brother).

I am constantly thankful for the freedom that is here! In 20 years, I have never experienced the kind of overt (or even covert) authority that is common in the LC! No, it's certainly not perfect here (but then again, it is - if you know what I mean)! Our boast is in Him!!!

Does that help?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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