Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
What?! Every believer whether they have died prior to the Lord's return or not will be caught up to the judgment seat of Christ where they will either receive a reward or discipline.
Yes, exactly. So when they are caught up and are at the judgment seat of Christ, are they alive or dead? They are alive, they have been resurrected. They are no longer sleeping or absent from the body.
byHisMercy had said "My position is that I don't believe some believers are present with the Lord at the time they leave their bodies whilst some are placed in 1,000 years of outer darkness"
What I am saying is that when believers die, and while they are dead, they have not been judged yet at the JSoC. So there cannot be some dead believers present with the Lord and other dead believers in outer darkness for 1,ooo years. At the Lordīs return all dead believers are resurrected and caught up to the JSoC, and all live believers are caught up to the JSoC. All believers at the JSoC will be alive.