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Old 07-31-2019, 02:39 AM   #11
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Default Re: 1,000 Years of Outer Darkness

Originally Posted by RambleOn View Post
I have decided that I cannot comment intelligently about whether this or any teaching of the LCs is accurate or Biblical, but I can confirm for you concretely that this is what they teach and believe: .
*Those who believe into the Lord are saved once for all. You cannot under any circumstances lose your salvation, because having believed you have received the divine life, and having received the life of God the Father YES

you are legally entitled to his inheritance. Not exactly, we are not legally entitled to the part of our inheritance, the Kingdom of God, which is during the millennial Kingdom. That aspect of the inheritance is based on reward. We are legally entitled to our inheritance in the New Jerusalem, like you mention down below. But to inherit the Kingdom of God in the millennial is based on reward. Not trying to split hairs here, but there are verses that exactly say this, i.e. "....those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 6:9, Gal. 5:21).

*There will be a 1000 year wedding feast at the end of the age, which will be for the Lord and the first fruits, the overcomers. YES, but "the first fruits" are just one of the categories of overcomers, there are other categories of overcomers too.

*After the wedding feast, the New Heaven and New Earth will be established, along with the New Jerusalem. All the believers across time will reign as kings with Christ. YES, but all believers will be kings and priests in the New Jerusalem.

The jews get to be priests. , the Jews that believe in the Lord at His coming are priests on the earth during the millennial Kingdom. After the millennial, they join all the other believers, to be priests and kings for eternity.

It has never been quite clear who the rest of the kingdom will comprise, however. I find it odd that there would be a kingdom with apparently billions of kings (queens too? i don't know, NO, never any mention of queens, no), and also millions upon millions of priests, but no mention of any citizens of the kingdom. Yes, it has been made clear in the teaching. During the Great Tribulation, a different gospel is preached, it is called the Eternal Gospel. This gospel is initially preached by an angel that flies around the earth warning people to fear God and worship Him (Rev. 14:6,7). In addition there are also good works that people, nations, can perform during the great tribulation, mainly, helping other christians. The nations that obey that eternal gospel and those that help christians will receive a reward from the Lord. These are the ones that are counted as sheep, separated from the goats at the Lordīs coming (Matt. 25:32). The reward is that they will be the citizens of the kingdom. They do not get regenerated, they do not receive the divine life, but they get restored to be like Adam and Eve before the fall and get to live eternally as the nations during the millenium and during the New Jerusalem.
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