Originally Posted by stillseekingtruth
Another question I have - are the pictures of the three circles (body, soul, and spirit) biblical? Is Christ spreading from our spirit to our soul? Is that transformation? In maintream Christianity I was told that the spirit and the soul are the same thing.
The spirit and soul are not the same, but I don't care for those 3 circles anymore. Can we really dissect all these inward parts? If physical sickness affects my mind, then we are far more complicated than the 3 circles lends us to believe.
Today I prefer to find a translation I like and just read it. Since I have been out for a while, I now can look at many verses where Lee stretched his interpretation and contradicted or distorted the Bible. We have had many discussion threads on these discrepancies. Slowly over time, my understanding has departed from Lee and now more closely matches scripture. It takes time.
I encourage you to rejoice with every step. Each time you get delivered from a "Lee-ism" is a part of your un-leavening process. Those who have tried for a "quick fix" have sometimes thrown out the good with the bad. The teachings of Lee tampered with our faith and love to our Savior. We never want to let go of those.