Originally Posted by countmeworthy
This reminds me of an experience I had a couple of weeks ago. These 2 people I know put me in a bad mood for 2 days. What's more is they are really nice people but can be a thorn on my side. They inadvertently stole my joy and peace. So after 2 days, I told the Lord I hate being in a bad mood!! I asked Him to remove it from me. Suddenly I burst out singing.. I made up a song to the LORD and within 2 minutes top that bad mood spirit left me! and I have been over all in a good mood again ever since! That's not to say I don't get frustrated at times. Just today, I had it out with my brother  but we made up  after a few hours of each of us going to our own corners 
Thanks - Great testimony of a fresh experience of Christ in your life!!