Originally Posted by Nell
I solved my problem by determining that everything I ever heard WL teach or anything I ever heard in the LC was wrong or questionable. I decided to throw it all out.
Same here!! I may not have been in the LC as long as most people here have but the spirit of LR was on me for many, many years to come.
After years of this...asking the Lord for answers...I realized that I was getting to know Him as a person I could talk to, and someone who talked to me. He was the person who, in the middle of heavy traffic, making me upset, angry and late for work, he said to me “let them all go”. Meaning, all the cars trying to cut you off...let them. I said OK. I don’t remember if I was late to work or not, but I do remember the conversation I had with Him that day, all these years later.
This reminds me of an experience I had a couple of weeks ago. These 2 people I know put me in a bad mood for 2 days. What's more is they are really nice people but can be a thorn on my side. They inadvertently stole my joy and peace. So after 2 days, I told the Lord I hate being in a bad mood!! I asked Him to remove it from me. Suddenly I burst out singing.. I made up a song to the LORD and within 2 minutes top
that bad mood spirit left me! and I have been over all in a good mood again ever since! That's not to say I don't get frustrated at times. Just today, I had it out with my brother

but we made up

after a few hours of each of us going to our own corners