Originally Posted by awareness
Amen to Jo Casteel for allowing them a forum for their voices to be heard, exposing the LC movement as no different than all the other Christian groups they continually condemn as fallen. Isn't it about time, and long overdue?
And it's time that any incidents of this occurring from here on be reported to the authorities.
I absolutely agree the religious predators especially from the LSM/LR since this is what this forum is focused on SHOULD be reported asap to the police authorities. For a young vulnerable person it would be difficult perhaps for those are the people predators go for: weak, vulnerable, shy.
This forum is a great start for them to come forward without fear.
May God grant them the courage, strength and protection they need to bring down these shameful and cowardly predators who pretend to be ambassadors of Christ when they are in actuality ambassadors of the devil himself.