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Old 07-28-2019, 05:44 AM   #180
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Default Re: Open Letter - Dear Saints in the Lord's Recovery

Here's another post by an insider commenting to Jo Casteel ...
no one even said your name, it was not scrubbed. We had another mtg in norcal that was an exact copy of this mtg minus the testimonies and your name was not mentioned. But yes i mean you posted something that has traveled far and saints want to have a place to get answers because many have read it and it appears you wanted many to read it. It is better than them ignoring it and no one talking about it. Many are bothered and praying and fellowshipping. But it wasnt a church wide gospel meeting to talk about you or discount you. I mean honestly it has caused people to question the church. They want to give answers and this was the start of that.
This poster was not aware that Jo Casteel's name was indeed scrubbed.

Probably at the recommendation of the DCP legal arm of LSM.
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