Originally Posted by justALittleBrother
The practice is to revive your weaken spirit. It's like singing a hymn, doesn't that recover your relationship or focus back to Christ says after you've watched a movie? The practice to me is alright but I do agree Lee teaching has a little bit of mysticism. Like someone has pointed that out the LR is a little bit of reformation + pentecostalism.
I'm not aware of scripture teaching the use of hymns to God to alter our state of mind.
I understand that it can do that, that's typically what most people use music for in general, but for a Christian I do believe it's a misuse.
Scripture tells us to richly
allow Christ's word to dwell in us and with all wisdom teach and admonish one another in songs and hymns. (Col 3:16)
I take the use of the word "dwell" in this verse as meaning to work or to influence.
It's this
allowing, or you can say trusting, that results in the outflow of song to God. The end is to teach and exhort, not to make us feel good. We should already have joy and from that joy sing hymns.
All that to say, the implication is Christ's word is already in us and from that we sing songs to glorify him, not to gain him or recover him.
It's a slight change of perspective from a "'means to end" mindset to one of "it's already finished"