Originally Posted by Jo S
As far as I'm aware, LC doctrine doesn't contradict the first 3 points. The major issue is the last point on repentance and baptism.
The LC's teach that one needs to be "filled" with "the spirit" through calling on the Lord, pray-reading, and other various mystical works based exercises. Where as scripture teaches when true repentance and faith take place in a believer's heart, God reveals Himself and gifts us with His Holy Spirit. Through this we are transformed and given a new heart and mind. This transformation comes by faith and not by any works.
The LC teach this spirit "filling" is something that needs to continuously be topped off by ritual exercises where as God says to His children born of His spirit that He will never leave us nor forsake us so there is no need to have to do rituals in order to "gain" Him.
What really happens through LC practices is not an indwelling of the Holy Spirit but by manipulating the psychic realm through mysticism the practitioner genuinely touches the spiritual plane but it's merely a general fleeting spiritual experience, not a personal encounter with the Lord God. And so by opening the veil by man's effort, and not having Godly discernment, lying and deceiving spirits come through and teach a false gospel and a false Christ.
This is what happened with Nee and Lee. And this is what happens to all those that place their faith in these men's ministry.
The practice is to revive your weaken spirit. It's like singing a hymn, doesn't that recover your relationship or focus back to Christ says after you've watched a movie? The practice to me is alright but I do agree Lee teaching has a little bit of mysticism. Like someone has pointed that out the LR is a little bit of reformation + pentecostalism.