Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
My responses.
That's just your sense/feeling. I really have no idea.
It's not "just" feeling, StG. I have good reason from our previous discussions to back my feeling.
Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
How am I supposed to know this, Jo? I don't even know what I'm having for dinner tomorrow! And He may take me tonight, or He might not - up to Him!
We weren't left completely in the dark, we have scripture. That's how we can know and be sure. The answer to this question is there.
Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
It is, and will be, glorious from what I read. Apart from that, I have no clear revelation as to whether He would manifest OCOC in this age again.
I agree, it WILL be glorious but when has it ever been glorious? That's what your "again" implies, right?
Clearly you have a belief, StG. You keep alluding to it with your "can be's", "if's", and "again's" but you're afraid to share. You seem to have justifications for everything else so why not this? Are you waiting for a group of Christians that you know will validate your beliefs before you share them openly?
Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Same response. Seriously. Did He tell us all things? No. Certain things are even evidently kept from the Son, like His exact time of returning. So can't agree that we know all these things?
Time's a relative thing, heavenly timing is simply not possible to comprehend. That's why it's not made known to us. But other things to come can be and are made known to us. You just have to look. But in order to do so you have to let go of your preconceived ideas. It's all there in scripture.
BTW, thank you for this thread start, StG. I know I can be hard, but in my view this is the single most important topic we can discuss concerning the Lord's Recovery. Needless to say I take it seriously.