Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Had that nap and feel more better! So here's a thought: The oneness is a reality in Spirit now. We are one with all born agains in the world and in a particular area already. Everything that (apparently) divides Christians is not reality. The divisions are something we see, that is, more in the physical/soulish realm. But in the unseen realm of the Spirit, oneness is already there.
So no, I really only have one hope, and it's Christ in all us us, our hope of glory. If OCOC is to be manifested before He returns, then hallelujah! That would be Wonderful. If not, same response - hallelujah!
In the meantime, all we can do is look away to Him, right? Anything else we try to do apart from Him adds up to exactly nothing.
I know, this is heavy stuff. I'm glad you feel better yet I still can't help but sense you're holding onto false hope like your holding onto Nee's books.
Jesus said, "Let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'". There are no "ifs" or "maybes" when God speaks. It either will be or it won't. So which is it?
God is not one to keep things hidden. He gave us His revelation. Nothing will be added to it or taken from it. The question is, what did God speak concerning the future condition of His church?
Will that oneness be manifest in practicality, in this age, or not? What did He say?