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Old 07-26-2019, 03:09 PM   #64
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?

This is an excerpt from Nigel Tomes "LSM's Sacrament- the Ground of the Local Church"

At its basic level the “ground of locality” emphasizes one church, one city, defined by city boundaries. ....the “ground of locality of a local church…is, the very locality—a city, a town, or a village—as the boundary within which a local church is established and exists, with each one locality having only one church”—one church, one city. Hence local churches typically adopt names like, “the Church in Chicago (LA, NYC, etc).” Plus, LSM asserts that, regardless of the believers’ number, there should be only one church with only one eldership. W. Lee states,18 “in one city there should be only one church. The eldership of a local church should cover the entire city where that church is…One city should only have one church with one eldership.” He contends this is Scripture’s unique pattern,19 “One city should have only one church with one eldership. ....”

I wanted to specifically point out the LC's attitude toward what, I agree, is a biblical concept.

While LSM is correct and strongly assert that there should only be one church in one city under one eldership, they're making a fatal mistake.

Take the Jews for example, they knew in their hearts they needed a king to rule over Israel yet God hesitated to give them one. They demanded it be so, so God allowed them a king.

The same is with the Local Churches. They know in their hearts there should be only one church in one city under one eldership. They demand that this be done in this age and so God allows them the freedom to attempt such a thing.

However they disregard God's Word in how and when this will be established.

Scripture says this; God's one church is the body of believers gathered in the air at the last trumpet, God's one city is a literal city that will descend from the clouds; the New Jerusalem, and God's one eldership is Jesus Christ come in the flesh, Israel's only worthy king.

But because the LC's will not wait on the Lord, they'll be given a Saul. And just like Israel under fallen leadership, movements like the Lord's Recovery will be conquered, given over to idolatry, and then destroyed again and again by the enemy until the rightful heir of God's church returns and establishes his rule.
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