Originally Posted by Igzy
I can't believe you are asking that question. Remove God from your life and see what happens. Look at the Soviet Union. They tried their best to remove God and look what they got.
Sometimes you miss the obvious Z, by getting caught up in the semantics.
Asking questions is the best way for people to learn. You spent too much time with people telling you a question mark looks like a snake.
Well that is a good explanation. The creation is designed so that we need God, without Him you will veer off. What is rebellion but choosing to go your own way apart from God. That is what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents. They chose to disobey God's direct command and go their own way. Instead of learning at the feet of God they then embark on a path of trial and error with a lot of error. Because God created man with a free will He made us so that we could choose to be like Mary sitting at His feet, listening and learning, but also like Peter spouting our own opinions, or Thomas, or even Judas.
But Jo S will not like your explanation because it means there is no evil creator, no "taint". God created a universe that includes man's free will and within that is the option for people to be Judas, Nero, Hitler, etc. But it is Biblical, fully aligned with Colossians chapter 1:16, and John 1:1-3
But Romans 7 is still problematic. What is dwelling in our flesh according to this interpretation is the predilection to walk according to sight and not by faith.
Consider this analogy -- God is like the gyroscope within the airplane that allows you to fly on course. Once we sinned our body became the flesh, and became disconnected from that gyroscope. Since we still have to plot a course the ego took over (with the super ego giving a running critique). So "sin dwells in me" is like saying "error, rebellion and every shameful thing dwells in me". He is referring to the id.