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Old 07-25-2019, 08:43 AM   #52
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Default Re: Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I'm not saying the believers will do it. I'm saying that God is working so that we all "arrive at the unity of the faith." So as that approaches we will naturally cooperate and coordinate more, and the church in the city will begin to be seen. But it won't be through our effort, planning or pushing. It will be the natural result of the work of the Spirit. We are already seeing that it the city in which I live. The city church is just the universal church viewed at the local level.
I too agree with this. Visible oneness is not oneness at all. Bible says when they see love, real brotherly love, God would be expressed. It's not some orchestrated oneness, with blue jackets for all reading the same banner, that glorifies God. That's manufactured, distorted oneness. If you can see "oneness" with your eyes, then it is not of faith, it is not of the Spirit.

I believe in one city one church. The many dividing walls are not of God. When love grows in our hearts, as "we all arrive," then we reduce our faith to the basics -- Christ and Him crucified. We then will no longer allow petty things to separate us.

For example, I had a Christian neighbor who I tried to fellowship with for years. But he hated my trees. They were not "my trees," but they came with the house. Many of them were on the right of way. And he hated those trees. It was so hard to fellowship because of that. Think about how many other petty issues have divided God's children.
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