Originally Posted by Igzy
The problem is the notion that there has to be one GROUP that is the RIGHT one, because you have to know where to go.
But God just doesn't operate that way. He is far too wise to set up such a system, because it would quickly fall under human control.
Think about it. A small set of leaders are given control of "God's one true move." What happens if they go bad? Well, in one sense they cannot "go bad," because since they are in control of the move, they are the move, they define it. But we all know humans can go bad. So surely then God can leave the move. But how do you know when that happens? Well, your guess is as good as anyone's!
It's all just crazy. Yet, if you take the bait of the idea of "the one true move," then the hook of the consequences has you. And you find yourself sitting in a meeting with some tired windbag like Minoru Chen or Ron Kangas droning on about "The Lord's Recovery" and how you can't leave because this is it, so shut up and take your medicine.
The subtly of Satan. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE IT. Don't take the bait.
But some people want, need, someone to do their thinking for them ... someone to tell them what they need to do, and how to live. In the Nee/Lee movement that's what happens.
And, "brother, get out of your mind," lends right into it. Your own thinking only gets in the way of the master thinker ... which due to untold reasons -- mental shortcomings of some kind surely, due maybe to being young and ignorant, and in the need of a replacement father figure -- they 'feel' they need.
After all, Lee and Co. does over a purpose driven life : their purpose, of course, not your own. Check you mind at the door ... or completely in the training's ; just let it become a tape recorder ... let yourself be blended with Lee ... a Leebot ... like the blended brothers