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Old 07-25-2019, 06:22 AM   #50
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Default Re: Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
Igzy, even if you suggest the transfer of authority from a few leaders to the entire body of believers you're still placing the burden on man to complete Christ's vision.

Is the New Jerusalem something you think will be a result of the concerted effort of Christians?
I'm not saying the believers will do it. I'm saying that God is working so that we all "arrive at the unity of the faith." So as that approaches we will naturally cooperate and coordinate more, and the church in the city will begin to be seen. But it won't be through our effort, planning or pushing. It will be the natural result of the work of the Spirit. We are already seeing that it the city in which I live. The city church is just the universal church viewed at the local level.

Now I'm not saying we will all start meeting under the same organization. But I don't think God cares much about that anyway. In fact, one human organization, like the LR, actually hinders, not helps, what he he trying to do, because it restricts his ability to move his members spontaneously. History shows that the efforts of man to organize "oneness" ossify and become a hindrance, not a help. I think it is by definition impossible for man to police large scale "oneness" in a healthy way. I just don't think God ever intended that to work.
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