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Old 07-24-2019, 06:19 PM   #277
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: Nigel Tomes - LSM's Unorthodox Satanology

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
2. There is only one source in the Universe -- the word of God. All things came into being through Him and apart from Him there is nothing that exists.............

If God creates man with free will then the option to disobey God must be included. Taken to its logical conclusion creating the universe with free will includes creating Hitler, Stalin, and Nero. So then, how does a God in whom there is no darkness create evil men? The answer is beyond our thoughts or reasoning.
ZNP, help me understand.

You begin by saying that all things are from God.

You then go on to say that man has free will.

You then conclude in saying that the things which are a result of man's free will are from God and that this is a mystery.

How do you make such a huge leap in logic?

Can a loving God be responsible for creating a Hitler or Stalin? Are you saying these individuals were a direct result of God's spoken word?

That verse you're referring to (all things are from God) allude to Genesis and applies only to the original creation. The apple computer wasn't created by God, it's an invention of man. I don't think it was God's idea to put a partly eaten apple, which symbolizes and glorifies sin, on the front of a laptop.

This belief that everything in existence is somehow from God sounds very impersonal and pantheistic...
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