Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Not off topic - right on! Agree with all you said. My question is just as it's stated: Is the one church one city a bad idea or unBiblical?
On this forum we get set to immediately throw out anything the LC has taught as being off the mark. So I was wondering if the OCOC teaching is clearly represented in the Bible - for example, "the church in Ephesus" - or is it a made up teaching? (or is that maybe too simplistic?)
I dunked myself in Galatians 5 for an answer to this question. Paul is marveling at the deception the saints were already accepting, another, perverted gospel of Christ had come in. In chapter 5 Paul exerts the Galatian believers to STAND FAST therefore in the LIBERTY wherewith CHRIST HAS MADE US FREE, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. And, a little leaven leavens the whole lump. And Paul warned that this persuasion comes not of Him.
The law they were being persuaded to keep was regarding circumcision, not OCOC. However it was not from Christ!!!
I don't know if I am right or wrong in thinking this, but I correlate this pressure to keep a law that satisfied the religious Jews DIRECTLY to OCOC. Nowhere in the gospel of Christ, no where in holy scripture do I see such a commandment. It is man made doctrine. A law which is levered against the body of Christ unrighteously, and DOES NOT COME FROM CHRIST. If you cannot satisfy the OCOC law of LSM, you are rejected from fellowship. So the fruit of this doctrine becomes division, which here in Gal 5 after vs19 is similar to the list of the works of the flesh listed....variance, seditions, (discord, dissensions). It is all leavened. The whole LC lump is leavened by a little leaven.
It is ok to throw it all out and start again with the purity of our faith in Christ. And even as Jo said, have we repented from the false things we accepted from the LC?
I know I asked Jesus to wash me of everything LC, and I repented for going along with things which I KNEW in my heart were not from scripture.
I want the Lord to correct me of all false beliefs by His word. And He does.