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Old 07-24-2019, 03:47 PM   #37
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
The LR is against the clergy/laity system? What doublespeak! I think even George Orwell would be shocked. They have the most clergy-dominated laity in the world, yet they claim to be against the clergy/laity system.
Never thought about it like that! But if you look now at some of the things they do, like the full-time trainings, they do have a ton of rules and codes the ruling class has come up with! (at least that's according to what I've heard from those who've been in the full time trainings)

I can say that there was not much like that apparent to me back in the 70s, at least not that I had exposure to. But when some of these overt things really started to come in - in the late 70s and 80s, there started to be the flavor of more and more control. Glad the Lord kept me out of that stuff!!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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