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Old 07-24-2019, 12:59 PM   #34
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Early 1960's that wasn't the case. Lee would go wherever he was invited. My dad would tell me stories of a brother driving Lee from Las Vegas to Twin Falls where he was invited. Sure there was other places too.

Fast forward to the late 1990's brothers would use the prophesying meeting to illustrate fellowshipping with other Christians as "shaking hands over the fence".
My theory would be that Lee and his ideas were rejected at some point early on by other Christians so rather than consider constructive criticism and admit wrong, he projected and made all other Christians the enemy.

This pattern, I believe, started with Nee. Watchman Nee was disfellowshipped by the Brethren so perhaps he thought to himself that he can do better and went ahead to create his very own movement in opposition yet retaining much of the Brethren structure.

Mohamed of Islam was rejected as a prophet by the Jewish Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, in offense he went on to created Islam and made Judaism his enemy yet all the while claiming to be a part of the Abrahamic faith.

It seems to be a pattern with false teachers and prophets... This attitude reminds me of Isaiah 9:10
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