Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Man's control, whether it is a central church's control over localities, or within a particular group, suppresses the working of the Holy Spirit. I amazed to see on a regular basis, how much better the Spirit can move and speak, when He is not subjected to a bunch of control!)
The more rebellious the Jews were, the harsher the government God allowed to rule over them. It's the reason I don't buy the us vs them victim mentality when it comes to laity/clergy.
I personally question what "spirit" is being enjoyed within the majority of the Local Churches. Freely enjoying the wrong spirit is exactly what I was alluding to, spiritual anarchy. Too much control doesn't solve the problem, it just serves as a wake up call.
If you've truly repented of the false beliefs within the Local Churches and as a result were reconciled to Christ and set free from their authority, then praise God. However if you left on your own accord without repentance then the Local Churches still have authority over you. It's one reason I believe a lot of ex-members struggle to shake off the LC's even after decades.
I know one reason God allowed me to become involved with the LC's was because of sin of my own. Witnessing some of the things within the LC's allowed me to realize that I held similar views which led to pride and an exclusive mentality. Even thought it was a painful process God used it for good, humbled me, and hopefully allowed me to reach others because of it.