Originally Posted by countmeworthy
I like the fact that the early believers did not call themselves by a religious name as they did not follow an organized 'christian' group. The true believers believed in the Resurrection of Jesus, the Power of His shed Blood, the forgiveness of sins, were filled with the Holy Spirit and were breaking bread from house to house..encouraging one another in Christ.
I don't believe for one minute God is happy with denominations here on earth. But He does not throw out the baby with the bath water. So if a believer considers himself/herself a Baptist, Catholic or whatever yet truly is born again and is following the Lord as best they can, God is not going to judge them for calling themselves a Baptist or whatever.
I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 1:11-13
For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you. 12 Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, “I am of Paul,” and “I of Apollos,” and “I of Cephas,” and “I of Christ.” 13 Has Christ been divided?
P.S. I hate it when people ask me 'what church do you go to?' 
Agree with all you said. The "what church do you go to?" question used to drive me a little bonkers too, but less so the older I've gotten. It is just the current state of things, which only He can correct. Even the phrase "go to church" doesn't bother me much any more, as I realize that's just what people's traditional concept is. Actually, if they meant "go to the gathering" then it would be fine, but usually they really mean the physical building. (and the word "church" itself is a funny word too - it's really interesting that ekklesia wasn't translated as gathering or assembly but rather "church"!)
So whatever believers call themselves, my role is to just love 'em and share Christ with 'em.
Originally Posted by Jo S
The Local Churches version of one gathering (ekklesia) in every single city on the face of the earth under a central leadership; Yes, very bad idea
The central authority shouldn't be part of it. I'm simply referring to how the early Christians identified themselves, and it was usually by location of the area they were in. Sometimes it is also identified as the gathering in someone's home. (And yes, the central leadership thing is a really bad idea and usurps Christ's headship - the biggest example, of course, is the Church in Rome!)