Originally Posted by Jo S
If Lee ever condoned fellowshipping with other Christians it was for the self-seeking purpose of supplanting that person's faith and making them a member of the Lord's Recovery.
That's the thing with movement's like this. A lot of "truth" is spoken but it's all for the purpose of growing a man-centered movement.
Nee's and Lee's books don't point to the true gospel and the true Jesus of scripture. StG, hanging onto their books and trying to derive good things from them I believe comes from that ultra liberal mindset that I was talking about. Nee too had that eclectic mentality in that there is light available from many different sources.
To use an analogy, it's like rat poison. Rat poison is 99% good food. So even if there was 99% good food in Nee's and Lee's writings, there's that 1% poison that will kill you. You'd do yourself a favor by throwing all their literature away.
Paraphrasing the gospel essentials in my words would be this;
-Jesus is God's begotten son born as a man of God's will and not man's will, as we were (John 1:13).
-Jesus died for the sins of mankind.
-God rose Jesus after 3 days to demonstrate His resurrecting power and confirm Christ's sonship as firstborn of every creature.
-Whomever has godly repentance (2 Cor 7:10), believes in Jesus and is baptized by the Holy Spirit of God (Mark 10:38) will have eternal life.
Yep. Totally agree with Jo S here. Better yet, burn those Nee and Lee books. As soon as I read about the elevation of Lee to MOTA, little acting God on earth, Gods Oracle of the age, etc., I was so repulsed inwardly, in spirit, that I collected every book of theirs and burned them in the fireplace that winter day. That night, a demon rushed me, snarling in my face. I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep and I saw this ugly thing ***with my eyes closed***! I rebuked it in Jesus name and it left immediately.
I have always practiced seeking the Lord when it comes to possessions in my home. Usually books, music, movies, and sometimes patterns on fabrics or pictures, always statues. Some Christians may see this as extreme or even crazy. But He is faithful to shine if you seek His opinion on items. Once my brother traveled all the way to Africa and was kind enough to bring me a wall hanging, it was an image painted on fabric. For so long it troubled me inwardly but I kept it, hanging on my wall, because I cherished this gift from my big bro. Finally, I searched the image online and found out it was an idol. A filthy thing. A 'coco peli', I think it was. I threw it away, and Jesus released me from the 'obligation' I felt towards it, and towards my dear brother.
Come to think of it, not just objects. I remember breaking up with a boyfriend after witnessing a demon snarling out at me from his face. He literally transformed into this things image momentarily. Lol. That was the end of that, praise Jesus!
It has everything to do with standing with Christ. Rejection of things that are against Him, or really, things that are with Antichrist.
I believe the demon that tried to attack me after the Lee book burn was able to hide in those ministry books all along because the Lee jesus is another jesus. It is another gospel. I never would have thought it possible before everything that has transpired over the last couple years. The Lee ministry fruit is rotten. The source was rotten in sin. The tree is bad. Good for burning, though, lol!