Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Well, that could be said of a lot of groups/denominations. A group gets formed based on this or that teaching or practice or whatever, and then they usually continue to degrade from there. But does that mean that the Lord isn't speaking through any of what they produce? As I mentioned (forget if it was on this thread or not), I've heard incredible, uplifting and Christ centered things come through Roman Catholic priests! Now do I believe that all coming out of the church in Rome has been good, Biblically accurate teachings and practice? By no means (and the inverse is definitely true there and you could say their foundation was pretty rotten from the beginning)!
Millions have been helped the world over by WN's teachings and continue to be helped. I know people recently who have gotten into Nee's, "The Normal Christian Life" and have been released from misconceptions and have been drawn into a fresher walk with Jesus. (and they haven't been sucked into any strange beliefs, practices or cultish groups, etc.)
But Jo, if you don't find yourself being fed of the Lord by any of these books, then, by all means, avoid them!
It's true, no denomination has gotten every detail right in doctrine. As scripture says, we all see through a dimly lit mirror.
But this is the main difference between most mainstream Christian denominations and the Local Churches, they don't teach a false gospel and a false Christ.
I sense StG, by you trying to reconcile your experience of the LC's to biblical Christianity, you're trying to validate and justify denial. Doing this, you're not only lying to yourself you're lying to others. I'm sorry if that offends you.
Scripture tells Christians seeking God's truth not to yoke in anyway to groups that do not bring the fundamentals of the apostles teachings. This is my basis for recommending to everyone to discard all Local Church material. I don't see it as a case by case basis. But ultimately it's something God has to personally convict you of.