Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Your essentials sound good to me! (although "baptized by the Holy Spirit could bring up different interpretations of what that means. Do you mean indwelt by the HS?)
I must admit I don't have many WL books any more, but I purposely kept the one by him I mentioned. The HS just impressed that on me in such a strong and living way that I know it was His speaking to me (now I clearly see that what was spoken in that book was not being practiced in the LC in later years). As different ones have said on this forum many times, it takes some fine discernment to throw the dirty bathwater out and not the baby (Christ) in many of these writings. Some chose to discard it all, and that is fine too. But many of us can't deny that the HS did speak wonderful things through these brothers at some point - but like most all human institutions things went well off the mark eventually.
StG, I never personally owned Nee's or Lee's writing.
If the Local Churches weren't built upon God's truth and teach a different gospel (which I have no doubt about), then Nee and Lee were not led my God's spirit but by the spirit of the world. Therefore, their writings weren't influenced by the Holy Spirit. That's why, to be on the safe side, I recommend anyone seeking God's truth to throw all their literature away lest you become influenced by the same spirits. And try not to waste time in reconciling what they say to scripture, which we know was inspired by God.
As far as being born again, the indwelling of God's spirit is a result of spiritual baptism the moment the old is done away with and the new has come. Jesus at the Jordan, the Apostles at Pentecost, and Saul on the road to Damascus are all examples of spiritual baptism in scripture. Just as a water baptism is a notable occurrence so it is with spiritual baptism. It's an extremely notable moment in time in a Christian's life. It's not merely a tingling or fleeting feeling, it's a powerfully transformative and lasting experience.
Many Christians are like Apollos and only have a water baptism (Acts 18:24–25, Acts 8:16, Acts 19:2 ). You can understand, teach, and live out Christian doctrine well yet not truly know the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
It's not something you can work for and don't try otherwise you may gain a false spiritual experience like you find in the Local Churches and in Charismatic faiths. Being born of the Holy Spirit is like the wind. You can't foresee it so it's not something you can work toward. This happens to individuals only by God's grace and timing. If you're not sure, then you don't yet have it.
Contend each and everyday by keeping faith in Jesus and God's faithful to do the rest.