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Old 07-23-2019, 12:18 PM   #11
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
If Lee ever condoned fellowshipping with other Christians it was for the self-seeking purpose of usurping that person's faith and making them a member of the Lord's Recovery.

That's the thing with movement's like this. A lot of "truth" is spoken but it's all for the purpose of growing a man-centered movement.

A good start would be to throw away all the books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee that you own. They just don't point back to the true gospel and the real Jesus Christ.

Paraphrasing the gospel essentials in my words would be this;

-Jesus is God's begotten son born as a man of God's will and not man's will, as we were (John 1:13).

-Jesus died for the sins of mankind.

-God rose Jesus after 3 days to demonstrate His resurrecting power and confirm Christ's sonship as firstborn of every creature.

-Whomever has godly repentance (2 Cor 7:10) and believes in Jesus and is baptized by the Holy Spirit of God (Mark 10:38) will have eternal life.
Your essentials sound good to me! (although "baptized by the Holy Spirit could bring up different interpretations of what that means. Do you mean indwelt by the HS?)

As far as throwing away all books by WN & WL, it sounds like this is what your conscience is speaking to you. This reminds me of a brother I meet with who cannot read another particular brother's writings, because of a personally divisive thing the author was once connected with. I, on the other-hand, have no such aversion to this one's writings and enjoy them almost daily!

I must admit I don't have many WL books any more, but I purposely kept the one by him I mentioned. The HS just impressed that on me in such a strong and living way that I know it was His speaking to me (now I clearly see that what was spoken in that book was not being practiced in the LC in later years). As different ones have said on this forum many times, it takes some fine discernment to throw the dirty bathwater out and not the baby (Christ) in many of these writings. Some chose to discard it all, and that is fine too. But many of us can't deny that the HS did speak wonderful things through these brothers at some point - but like most all human institutions things went well off the mark eventually.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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