Originally Posted by Jo S
Until the day he returns, and that also becomes an outward reality, then we have to accept that no group has the complete vision because it's HIS vision. The rest of us only see in part like a mirror's dim reflection.
To say that you're a group that is in possession of Christ's vision, a vision only entrusted to him, and only you have the means to carry it out then in reality your making yourself out to be more blind then all the denomination that don't make such arrogant boasts.
That is what I see too. While I think the group I've been meeting with enjoys a very good portion of Christ, we certainly don't have the market cornered! It will take the ENTIRE body of Christ to express Him, and that is the heavenly vision I see conveyed in several places in scripture. It is the height of hubris to think we have seen something so lofty, which knowledge then causes us not to completely embrace our fellow believers without reservation. Lord save us from such folly!