Maybe, just maybe
In Acts 21:20 James is telling Paul about the many thousands of Jews who have believed the resurrection/Messiah-ship of Jesus. When James said, "They're all zealous for the law", Paul didn't exclaim, "No! James! That's not God's economy!" That's what our LC exegete did as he read us the passage in a "training meeting". Everyone chuckled at his theatrics.
But Paul didn't say that, nor did Luke say James' speaking was wrong.
It took me years post-LC to begin to think again, to look at the passages for what they said and not what some Bible expository wished they said.
Let me digress for a moment before I get to my point. Clearly the world, like the universe beyond, is filled with diversity. "All creatures, both great and small, the LORD God made them all." So why were we supposed to become identical mindless automatons in the Robot Factory? Was that supposed to please God? Or, rather, some control freak usurping God?
If a 38 year-old mother of two writes an open letter to the saints in the Lord's recovery, and two months later they have to convene a Special Synod to urge 900 ex-trainees not to look at or discuss the contents of that letter, is that the kingdom of God? Doesn't look very robust, to me. Does God really forbid that anyone should actually read, think, question, speak or write?
Well, it took me years, and this forum helped me immensely. I too could read, think, hold forth ideas. Some might be good, some might be clunkers, but that is what the 'ekklesia' or assembly is for.
So I read the end of Acts, and Paul says, "After many years I came back to Jerusalem, bringing alms for my nation" and I thought, "Hey! Maybe that's God's economy!" I mean, look at how many times in Acts the RecV uses the word 'dispensing' in just this manner. Plus Paul devotes what, 4 separate chapters on the subject. ~2 Cor 7 & 8, 1 Cor 15, Rom 15.
And in Galatians 2:10, when James & co tell Paul to continue to "remember the poor" he doesn't say, "No! That's not God's economy" but he says he's eager to do that very thing. Not just to do it, but to continue doing it. Because it's God's economy" Those who have excess have none left over, and those without do not lack. Again, see 2 Cor 7:13-15.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'