Re: Quote from today's Witness Wednesday
Originally Posted by Jo S
Ohio, why do you think Ron did that? And why do you think Titus felt it necessary to compliment Kangas? I think your statement implies something but you're not being clear on what that is.
If you view that circumstance through the lense of Titus being a meek and humble servant of God innocently complimenting his fellow brother then yeah it's terrible manners BUT if viewed through the lense of politics and power plays then accepting a compliment from a political rival is viewed as weakness and detrimental to one's judgment. In that case Titus was being deceptive and Ron was just being a shrewd politician.
Do you know what Chu's and Kangas's relationship was like prior to Lee's passing?
Because Ron doesn't know how to say "Thanks."
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!