Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Good point I need to clarify - by saying no name other than Christ, I didn't mean individuals names. (maybe you'll be Jo Christ - LOL)
And perhaps it's useful to get closer to the Greek word that got erroneously translated as "church": ekklesia; meaning assembly or gathering . . . (i.e., "Go to those gathering in My Name in Boston")
Oh I see. In that case I already answered in saying that in that day there will only be one city and one high priest illuminating the entire city so no matter where we're placed we'll all be worshipping the lamb in one spirit and in one accord.
I think this type of complete fellowship that we'll partake in at the New Jerusalem is something all Christians deeply desire yet whenever we attempt to make this a reality in this life, it always ends up going sour and making things worse.
In this life we can worship God in spirit and truth which we are all individually responsible for doing. Until the day he returns, and that also becomes an outward reality, then we have to accept that no group has the complete vision because it's HIS vision. The rest of us only see in part like a mirror's dim reflection.
To say that you're a group that is in possession of Christ's vision, a vision only entrusted to him, and only you have the means to carry it out then in reality your making yourself out to be more blind then all the denomination that don't make such arrogant boasts.
We can be sure of only one thing, that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died and rose again. In that we can boast.