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Old 07-22-2019, 12:43 PM   #3
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: Is One Church One City a bad idea or unBiblical?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Talking about the idea itself, not what all was necessarily associated with it through WN & WL. For instance, in the Kingdom, will there be any names the Lord's people will be known by other than Christ and perhaps the area they would be living in? Will there be any other distinctions other than area or locality? Or will the Lord's people continue to call themselves by other names - Baptist, Methodist, LCer, non-denominational, etc.?

In other words, in the kingdom would the Lord say to someone, "Go and fellowship with my dear Presbyterian saints in Boston," or would He just refer to "My dear saints in Boston?"
God gave Adam and Eve separate names, He didn't call them by one name. I imagine He will call us by a unique name He gives to each of His children on an individual basis.

When Christ gathers all the believers into the New Jerusalem, only then will there not exist denominations because in His presence the truth will be fully known (1 Cor 13:12).

"One Church, one city" only works when there's only one city with the Messiah as high priest. Never before and never through a movement like the Lord's Recovery.
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