Originally Posted by Ohio
Ramble On, is there a site where I can see LSM's Ad hominem responses to the Casteel letter?
To clarify, this is just personal conversations I've had with people, as opposed to anything official from LSM. There have been a few who have tried to be "helpful" on the Facebook thread, who clearly didn't even read the letter and just started spouting ministry snippets and cliches. I'll grant you, that's not an ad hominem per se, but it implies they think the problem is with Jo rather than with anything else.
But I've spoken with a handful of different LCers about this, as well as with exLCers who have done the same, and it's just interesting that somehow they've all found a way to use very similar wording to describe her. You will just have to take my word for it, anecdotally. Or try it yourself if you know any who are still "going on" in the LCs. She's not just wrong, she's "wounded", for instance. I've heard several people make reference to her mental health, despite not knowing her very well, and not being mental health professionals. Seems irrelevant and inappropriate to do this. I've heard several people make inferences about her marriage, saying things like "her husband isn't even really on board but he's just going along with it to be supportive." Essentially this controversy is stemming from a negative person who is talking about negative things, rather than from actual wrongs that were committed by important brothers. Shooting the messenger is easier than actually addressing uncomfortable truths.