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Old 07-21-2019, 10:11 AM   #162
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Default Re: Open Letter - Dear Saints in the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Does anyone remember the “message” Ron Kangas gave about “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”?
I heard the audio tape years ago and couldn’t believe it. It was a no-kidding lecture about close encounters with aliens from another planet. Serious as a heart attack. He defined encounters of the first, second and third kinds and sounded pretty much like the movie. No connection to the LC, etc.
I missed that but heard about it. I wonder what the “amens” were like from the assembly. Kinda like this audio – the audience is rather subdued.

The first rule of the LC is that when Big Brother (or his Chief Blended Cheerleader) is at the dais, war stories and sea stories and speculative tangents are okay. But at the microphone afterward, you get two minutes, and then the piano bangs. And only “Affirmation” is allowed, no “Critique”. And no speculation.

In the LC, the first rule is that there’s one set of expectations for Big Brother and another rule for everyone else. In order to support this, they go back to the OT, because the NT never suggests this. In fact, Paul could stand up to the Peter/James/Jerusalem contingent “to their face” and survive.

Oh, but Paul was the new MOTA, is the LC Party line. Well then John Ingalls was the MOTA when he (scripturally, a la Matt 18) called out Witness Lee for allowing his profligate son to run roughshod over the assemblies.

But wait - it's not like that - Lee (like Paul) was MOTA-for-life, you see. Nobody covered Peter’s errors but “the age changed” with Paul and now suddenly MOTA was untouchable and even when he was wrong, he was right. Nice, huh? Convenient plot twist. And then when Lee died the age changed again (!!) and now nobody gets to be Seer of the Divine Revelation anymore, and the Museum Keepers are the new Untouchables. All of this of course is unsupported by NT scripture. You’d think if rebellions of this nature (speaking up against the MOTA/Deputy God) were “the most serious sins” then Paul would have given us some help instead of forcing us to turn to Korah and Miriam and Ham.

Here’s what I think: I think we’re more liable to judgment if we DON’T speak up. If the self-appointed MOTA says that 17 of the first 20 Psalms are “natural concepts” even if Psalms 2, 8, and 16, are linchpins of NT theology, and nowhere does the NT tell us to pan the remaining text, then we MUST speak up. Don’t you think WL and RK are also accountable for every footnote, every message, if we're accountable for every post, text, tweet and 'like'?

If the MOTA Party Line lauds women as pioneers of recovery, even MOTA-hood (M Guyon, J Penn-Lewis, ME Barber, D Yu, P Wang, E Fishchbacher, R Lee et al) don’t you think someone would note the discrepancy between that and today's “women can’t teach because Paul said so” line? If "women can't teach" then how did Mary McDonough "recover the three parts of man"? I think someone MUST speak up.

And I do apologize for my occasionally harsh tone, and disrespectful slights. But when I used the words “brain-dead” I really meant it. You have to shut your brain off completely to sit there and not be bothered by this. It's just inane.
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