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Old 07-20-2019, 07:32 AM   #21
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Hope for all you church kids

Originally Posted by RambleOn View Post
Speaking as one such "functional agnostic" who was raised LC, I resent this line of thinking. While there's little room for doubt that this may be the case for some, I can say wholeheartedly that I 100% believed until I reached my early 20s..

I think that the "functional agnostic" ex-church kids who have recently come on board this forum have a powerful voice to describe life inside the LC, and life after. Most of them, presently, don't realise they have a voice, that was stolen in childhood.

I don't have capacity to presently address your points but would just like to repeat a probably un-answerable (sociologically-speaking) question that I raised before:

What percent of ex-LC "church kids" became agnostic?
What percent of Asian versus Caucasian (i.e. how much was cultural, on both sides of the "faith" paradigm [belief v/v unbelief])?
Compared to:
What percent of [mostly Caucasian] ex-Amish kids who become agnostic?
What percent born to Orthodox/Conservative Jews who as adults lose faith in God altogether?


Complicated questions with a lot behind them, but voices like yours can help unravel this.

I think faith is an important part of the human psychological make-up, but finding it (or not) on one's own, versus having it essentially rammed down one's throat, and rejecting that experience, is a big part of the paradigm. And cultural influences, which either encourage or permit or forbid questioning, may play larger roles than we realise.

Originally Posted by ExChurchKid View Post
I came to a crossroads, and no matter how he explained the wrongs of the LC, I was too brainwashed to see he was right. It was only by the Lord's mercy that I trusted GOD enough to begin my slow exit from the LC. It was a rough year. I lost my relationship with my parents. I questioned my stance on biblical truths. My relationship with God became almost nonexistent. I didn't know what truth was anymore. The road will be rough, but a year and a half after leaving, my relationship with God is strong, I married the love of my life, and I feel so free. I understand the BIBLE is the only thing we follow.
Some people's faith survives the questioning process and some don't. And some cultures are more "open" and forgiving to questioning long-standing practices an values than others are.

For me it became, How much do I assume, and how much do I critically examine? And, How much is implicit, and how much is explicitly placed, and subject to open scrutiny? To me, "faith" involves allowing one's treasured concepts to be buffeted somewhat by bright air, sunshine, windy days etc. If it survives it's the better for it. If not, too bad. It wasn't worth holding.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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