Originally Posted by Igzy
"Reprove the ruthless" Isaiah 1:17
I imagine that someone who reproves the ruthless might sound a little bitter to somebody or other.
Jesus was the one who reproved the ruthless. You and I are the ruthless. We are not God's avenging angels, however tempting it might seem when we survey the likes of Nee and Lee (and Chu, Dong et al).
I'm not going to defend Jo S, but what I see them doing is this, painting with a broad brush that applies to all. When Jesus came out of the desert, he opened his mouth and painted with a broad brush: Repent. That means you, me, Ohio, Jo S, Witness Lee and so forth. If we just focus on the wrongs of Lee and the Blendeds, a limitless treasure trove it seems, we might find ourselves here, six or eight years hence, unmoved. I don't think we want that. How do we all go forward in mutual learning?
There are forces behind the scenes, that manifest themselves in Lee and Chu and others. What are they? Are you and I affected? When Jo S pointed out the NAR that was a learning moment for me. Oh - hey - look at the delusion: "God needs an apostle. Might as well be me, since I have the idea". Sound familiar?
We can leave the LR, but to what? What next?
Originally Posted by Ohio
Bro, you are wasting your time looking for clarification. I tried. Thrice. I gave up.
It's always the Other Guy who's not clear, right Ohio? You are always too clear. That is what reminds me of Lee. He was always "too clear". The Other Guy with him was the one "not so clear". He once told us that he hadn't learnt anything from anyone for 45 years.
A discussion is a mutual learning experience. It isn't an extended monologue.
Originally Posted by aron
Opinions can be firmly, even resolutely held. But the core teaching of the Master is, Love one another. Give the other person's opinions the same respect that you give your own.
That last sentence may disqualify about 3/4 of my posts. I tend to disrespect ideas that don't seem well-founded. But I admit my ideas are tentative, provisional, and subject to change. But it's dogmatism that I can't stand.
Witness Lee had this tendency to say, "We must all see that..." No, dude, you must jump off a pier into the ocean. Only Jesus gives the "musts" and "oughts" and "should" and "need to" around here.
Back to the title of the thread: How many of my posts show evidence of a person with much "natural affection"? I think Igzy and Ohio are indignant that sheep are getting gnawed by wolves. That's good. But Jo S is challenging us all to go deeper, beyond the surface.