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Old 07-17-2019, 01:43 PM   #55
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Default Re: Erroneous teaching of Lee concerning natural affection

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
I'll be blunt, the reason those in the GLA sect of the local churches are embittered is because they view themselves as victims.
Are you speaking abstractly or specifically? I don't recall anyone actually establishing that anyone in the GLA is actually embittered. I'm not saying no one is, but it seems you are painting with a broad brush. Sounds a little like, "You need to stop beating your wife," without every establishing that any beating actually occurred.

Now, if you had written, If anyone in the GLA is embittered, it is because they view themselves as victims, I'd have bought that. But not the way you wrote it.

In fact, I wouldn't even buy that, because many in the GLA were victimized. That's objective fact. But there is the fact of victimhood and there is the error wallowing in it. I assume when you say "view themselves as victims" you mean the latter. But simply knowing oneself to be a victim is not an error.

And accusing someone of being embittered simply because he knows objectively that he is a victim is blaming the victim.

I'm not saying at the moment that's what you are doing, but I don't know exactly what you are doing.
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