Originally Posted by Ohio
Jo S, it was you who said in a previous post, "I've lost my mind." I was only trying to throw you a lifeline.
And your comments about Drake make me a little suspicious of your motives.
You left out the part where I said, "That how I feel". Feelings don't always constitute reality.
You know, in the last string of posts I've made, I've noticed how a few members confuse my lack of bias as favoritism for the opposition and have tried to compare me to Lee or DCP, just like you're doing.
I don't take offense because I know I'm not Lee, but what it's saying to me is that this place is hungry for Lee (or a representative of Lee) to come onto the forum. It's a tell that anger and hatred has a stronghold here and it's at a breaking point.
That's what I'm trying to point out. And no, I won't be that person because I'm not that person. But by keeping that desire, people risk turning on themselves.
I'm not your enemy. As far as bad practices and false doctrine of the LC's, we're in agreement, but the vitriol here at times is just too much and makes it an unwelcoming place. It's at the point where one feels is they don't have the same amount of animosity toward Lee's kingdom, they're not welcome.
Originally Posted by Ohio
What is your seven-headed monster? Stop speaking in riddles.
It's reference to the beast in revelation and the analogy is pointing to what I've been trying to say all along. Focus is too much on the individuals within the LC's and the take down of organizations in preference to the entity as a whole. Rather than exposing lies in the light and love of the truth and for others, they're weaponized with the intent to cause people harm.