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Old 07-15-2019, 06:12 AM   #36
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Default Re: Erroneous teaching of Lee concerning natural affection

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
Igzy, I agree that speaking against false spiritual authority is important BUT I can't agree with the belief that it'll lead to the downfall of an organization. Many have spoken against the heresy of one man being the voice of God yet we still have a Pope. It's good to get the info out to help other's discern but that seems to be it when it comes to religion.
Because people are held in the LR by fear, and that is really not true of the Catholic Church. I was raised a Catholic. Yes, we were taught that it is the "one true church" and all that, but the mindset is very different than that in the LR. There is no real fear of leaving the CC now. If people sweat leaving the CC now it's usually for familial/cultural reasons, not spiritual ones.

So, yes, the organization might continue. I don't really care about that. My goal is to break the stronghold of fear and bondage, so people can make their own choices.

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
Jesus came not to condemn or destroy the world, he came to convinct us of sin so that we can repent and be saved. Shouldn't that be our heart as well?
Of course. Love, repentance and salvation are right in line with what we are doing here.

I'm about people being saved, not organizations being destroyed. But I am for taking down spiritual strongholds that keep people from God. We are fighting a spiritual stronghold here, not people.

"For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor 10:3-5
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