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Old 07-11-2019, 05:56 AM   #155
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Default Re: Open Letter - Dear Saints in the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by JoCasteel View Post
Brother Lee was even held in such high regard that we exhumed his body in 2004, nearly seven years after he died in 1997 ( and moved him to Grace Terrace, a multi-million dollar graveyard purchased for and by the saints so the saints would not have to be buried with Christians from Christianity. In the “Fellowship Concerning Grace Terrace” video we said that, “the saints would not have to be buried in cemeteries that have all kinds of evil things there, and worldly things, religious things which are mostly worldly, but that the recovery could have something set aside for its own behalf”
This has got to be the biggest scam ever inflicted upon the LC's. Can you imagine hundreds of brothers from around the country showing up for a funeral service RE-burying WL in a "less evil, less worldly, less religious" plot which he doesn't have to share with anyone from "poor, poor, Christianity?" This just blows my mind. I was in the Recovery when this happened in 2004, and I never knew this.

Does anyone know if Philip or Timothy Lee is buried there at Grace Terrace? If LSM demands a "less evil, less worldly, less religious" burial plot for their beloved idol, then they better not let his decaying carcass any where near his kids.
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