Originally Posted by Trapped
Thanks for your response, and I don't necessarily want to focus in on the one thing you said that I disagree with, but it's been a couple days and I keep feeling to return to this point.
Originally Posted by Trapped
But struggling with something doesn't mean I am the problem. It just means its a struggle. It means someone totally took you off guard and poured hot acid on you and you are still burning and gasping for breath a year later.
Trapped, it's obvious you're in pain. If you're looking for help, I'd like to try and offer whatever I can but it's challenging when all the details concerning your situation aren't known although I recall you mentioning "loss" in another thread.
It's sounds to me like whoever this person is their actions were deliberately meant to cause you harm. Do you know for an absolute fact that this was the case?
If you want you can PM me or if you don't feel comfortable sharing then I can say this; People do things that hurt us, sometimes it's blatant other times it's painful all around but necessary. Yet sometimes we unintentionally push others away by our own actions or inactions and project blame.
When Jesus died on the cross, those that placed their faith in him weren't rejoicing, they were devastated and hurt. They thought he was the one that would bring restoration right there and then. But they didn't understand that Jesus had to go so that the Holy Spirit could come, not only for them but also for us gentiles and future generations for the building of his church.
This is an example only to show that things may look one way on the surface but in reality can be something totally different. To know the heart of the Lord or another person in a situation takes righteous judgment and this is not so easy because you do have to remove the log from your own eye first in order to see things clearly. It could have been that it was the Lord's will for whatever happened to have happened for the sake of both parties. If you have faith in God, trust that He'll use it for good.
I didn't mention forgiveness in my post and I know the two (mercy and forgiveness) can be viewed as synonymous but when I used that term I meant in the way that we should do our part in extending goodwill toward all people, even the ones that hurt us knowing that we too need God's mercy each and every day. To be indignant toward sin yet have mercy toward people is a hard thing to do.
Who knows perhaps God has given you the space to reflect and adjust certain areas of your walk but no matter who's right or wrong we should all extend mercy otherwise by having any animosity toward others we aren't allowing for the space in our situation to allow for the Lord to work and forgiveness and healing to take place.
I hope that helps.